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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

NLLSA Activist Lawyer's Guide

Here are a list of great organizing doing great work in communities around California.

AYPAL - Asian Youth Promoting Advocacy and Leadership, AIWA - Asian Immigrant Women Advocates, The Center for Young Women's Development, East Side Arts Alliance, Gay-Straight Alliance Network, HOMEY , Kids First Oakland. Let's Get Free, McClymond's YELL Project, PODER, Young Women United for Oakland, Young Workers United, YMAC - Youth Making a Change ,YOU - Youth of Oakland United/PUEBLO, Youth Force Coalition (CA statewide),Youth Together, Filipino for Affirmative Action, SOUL (School of Unity and Liberation), Center for Third World Organizing, Ella Baker Center, Youth Media Council, Movement Strategy Center, Bay Area Immigrant's Rights Coaltion, KPFA - radio, APALA- Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, APICAW- Asian Pacific Islander Coalition Against the War, BAYAN-USA,

San Francisco- I have worked at Asian Law Caucus, SF Tenants Union (which is probably on your list),
ILPS- International League of People Struggle, Students Action for Veterans Equity (SAVE) & National Network for Veterans Equity, Bayanihan Center,

Orange County

 Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Community Alliance

Los Angeles (labor orgs):
(Part of  MIWON- Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network)
PWC- Pilipino Workers Center,
CHIRLA- Coaltion for Immigrants Rights Los Angeles
Garment Workers Center
KIWA- Korean Immigrant Worker's Center

Also Venceremos Brigade

Hope this helps.

Arabelle Malinis

On 9/14/06, Ana < > wrote:
Definitely include La Raza Centro Legal in San Francisco.  They are a grassroots social justice organization that combines legal advocacy, direct legal services, community organizing and empowerment, and leadership development.  They are a great organization for law students to know about.  the website is

----- Original Message ----
From: Mercedes V. Castillo < >
To: "" <>
Cc: Cassandra Lopez <>
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 3:18:42 PM
Subject: [tupocc] FW: NLLSA Activist Lawyer's Guide
Hola a todos,

Sorry for all of the e-mails, I have so many of them!

Can everyone send information on some good organizations that they know of that do work in the communities.  Doesn't have to be anything extensive...  Even just names and/or websites will be fine.

We would like to make this guide as comprehensive as possible so I welcome all and any suggestions for information to include.


------ Forwarded Message
From: cassandra lopez < community@nllsa. org>

Hey Everyone,
I am in the process of compiling the NLLSA Activist Law Students Guide.  Will folks please send info about organizations they know of that you would like included in the guide.  Things to think about:  alternative media sources and publishing companies, public interst legal orgs, grass roots organizing orgs including youth, prison rights, immigrant rights, farmworkers, civil liberties, etc, law school programs focused on progressive lawyering including summer programs or study abroad, progressive lawering events or other groups that law students might want to network with and anything else you can think of that should be included in the guide.
Think about networks that exist in your area and how they can benefit other students.
If you can send your info by Sept 20, so I have time to compile before the conferance that would be great.

"The ultimate measure of a person is not where one stands in moments of comfort and convenience,but where one stands at times of challenge and controversy." Martin Luther King Jr.

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