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take action - Stop Torture! & Let your Senators hear
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
9/25: The Immigrant Battle Shifts to the Senate - More Calls Needed!!!!!
Urgent Alerts from National Immigrant Solidarity Network
Dear immigrant activists:
The coming week will be the critical moment for the immigrant struggles, despite the opposition from the immigrant activists, the U.S. House last week passed several outrageous racist anti-immigrant bills:
H.R. 6061 - Border Fence Bill
H.R. 4844 - Federal Election Integrity Act of 2006 ("Voter ID bill")
H.R. 6089 - Illegal Immigrant Deterrence Act
H.R. 6090 - Immigration Enforcement Act
H.R. 6091 - Border Security Enhancement Act
The next struggles will be at the Senate, we need to spare no time to non-stop calling the Senate:
- Tell your Senator that he or she should not allow enforcement-only legislation to be attached to spending bills.
- Also tell your Senator that the enforcement-only approach taken by the House will only make matters worse, and that only comprehensive immigration reform will fix our broken immigration system.
- Tell your Senator to vote no on the Fence bill, H.R. 6061.
The following Senators are key, as they are on the Homeland Security Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee:
Senator Judd Gregg (Chairman) (NH)
Senator Thad Cochran (MS)
Senator Ted Stevens (AK)
Senator Arlen Specter (PA)
Senator Pete Domenici (NM)
Senator Richard Shelby (AL)
Senator Larry Craig (ID)
Senator Robert Bennett (UT)
Senator Wayne Allard (CO)
Senator Robert C. Byrd (Ranking Member) (WV)
Senator Daniel Inouye (HI)
Senator Patrick Leahy (VT)
Senator Barbara Mikulski (MD)
Senator Herb Kohl (WI)
Senator Patty Murray (WA)
Senator Harry Reid (NV)
Senator Dianne Feinstein (CA)
You can find contact information for all Senators here:
Please tell us what happened by send us a copy of your messages to:
Please read the following excellent analysis from the National Immigration Forum:
The Battle Shifts to the Senate - More Calls Needed
National Immigration Forum
September 21, 2006
With the House having passed their anti-immigrant legislation, it is now up to the Senate (where there is not as much of the panic about the low regard of the public for Congress that is driving the House to spend so much time creating fear of immigrants) to stop enforcement-only legislation from passing. Still, it will take an intense battle to stop the House effort to ram through enforcement-only legislation at the end of the session.
The good news is that at least in some offices we have heard that Senators are hearing from pro-immigrant voices, and there have been positive signs from some Senators that the Senate will not go along with what the House has done.
For example, Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA), a key player because he is Chair of the Judiciary Committee as well as a member of the Homeland Security Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee, told reporters today that House Republicans would have no incentive to work out differences with the Senate on a comprehensive immigration overhaul if senators go along with the piecemeal approach of the House. "We have to take care of a guest worker program, we have to take care of employer verification, we have to take care of 11 million undocumented workers," Specter said.
Other Senators who have made positive comments expressing concern about what the House has done, or about the need to reform the immigration laws in a comprehensive manner, include Senators Larry Craig (R-ID) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).
House Measures May be Attached to Spending Bills
The fence bill may pass when it is considered on Monday. The more worrisome scenario is that the state and local enforcement and anti-due process bills will be attached to bills allocating money for the Department of Homeland Security (or possibly for Defense). Once that is done, it becomes extremely difficult to stop, because that requires Senators to vote against funding for the entire Department of Homeland Security-a politically difficult move.
The object, then, is to prevent the House measures from being attached to the Spending bills in the first place. That will take calls to your Senators and to Senate appropriators.
Continue your calls to Senate offices!!!!!
§ Tell your Senator that he or she should not allow enforcement-only legislation to be attached to spending bills.
§ Also tell your Senator that the enforcement-only approach taken by the House will only make matters worse, and that only comprehensive immigration reform will fix our broken immigration system.
§ Tell your Senator to vote no on the Fence bill, H.R. 6061.
The following Senators are key, as they are on the Homeland Security Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee:
Senator Judd Gregg (Chairman) (NH)
Senator Thad Cochran (MS)
Senator Ted Stevens (AK)
Senator Arlen Specter (PA)
Senator Pete Domenici (NM)
Senator Richard Shelby (AL)
Senator Larry Craig (ID)
Senator Robert Bennett (UT)
Senator Wayne Allard (CO)
Senator Robert C. Byrd (Ranking Member) (WV)
Senator Daniel Inouye (HI)
Senator Patrick Leahy (VT)
Senator Barbara Mikulski (MD)
Senator Herb Kohl (WI)
Senator Patty Murray (WA)
Senator Harry Reid (NV)
Senator Dianne Feinstein (CA)
You can find contact information for all Senators here:
You can also check out this action alert from the American Immigration Lawyers Association:
More on what can be done, from AILA:
If you can make additional calls other that to the offices of your Senators, call the Senators on the Appropriations Committee listed above. It would be good especially to thank Senators Specter, Feinstein, and Craig, for their comments in the press supportive of a comprehensive approach.
House Passes Anti-Immigrant Legislation
This afternoon, the House passed two enforcement bills that would, among other things, allow state and local police to enforce civil immigration laws and would shield the government from accountability for misdeeds or misapplication of immigration law towards certain immigrants. Since these bills were taken from the Sensenbrenner bill, H.R. 4437, which passed the House last December, it was not a surprise that the House voted for these measures again.
Click on the links below to see how your member voted
§ Community Protection Act
§ Immigration Law Enforcement Act
With no provision for increasing legal channels for immigration, and having passed a bill to construct fencing on the U.S./Mexican border, House leaders figured they would need an anti-tunneling bill. That bill, the Border Tunnel Prevention Act, also passed, by a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="" target=_blank rel=nofollowvote of 422 to nothing.
Background Information About
H.R. 4844, H.R. 6089, H.R. 6090 H.R. 6091
9/21: Republicans Reach Deal on Detainee Bill
By Sheryl Gay Stolberg - New York Times
9/18: Congress Aims to Require Voter ID H.R. 4844
9/19: Analysis of H.R. 6089, H.R. 6090 and H.R. 6091
Immigrant Legal Resource Center
9/14: Immigration Policy Update
National Immigration Forum
9/14: CLEAR Act on House agenda; information and ideas
National Immigration Forum
9/15: URGENT: Stop U.S. Authorization of Indefinite Detention
Center for Constitutional Rights
9/25: Silence in a Time of Torture is Complicity
From: World Can't Wait
We have now come to a defining moment, where before the world's eyes the U.S. Congress is poised to legalize torture. We reject such a course outright. It does not represent us.
We remember the images from Abu Ghraib prison -- photos of depravity, even death. And what of the images we have never been shown from a world of even more disturbing and more "professional" horrors that have been concealed in secret prisons around the world?
To anyone of conscience, this is unacceptable. But this is exactly what your government will be making legitimate. With bi-partisan support, the "Military Commissions Act of 2006" will be made law unless people act to stop it.
Sold as a "compromise," this bill is fundamentally worse than what has gone before.
The bill takes what has existed in the shadowy world of clandestine action and now gives it the openly declared mantle of official, legal approval. While the compromise is being sold as complying with the Geneva Conventions, it gives the President huge freedom to, by executive order, define "special methods" of interrogation that HE feels "fit" that Convention. It removes the right of anyone to raise the Geneva Conventions in federal court to challenge government action against them.