The National Office is in the process of sending post cards (not mail ballots) to current NLG members who did not vote at the Convention. The postcards contain instructions on how to vote online, or to request a mail ballot if preferred.
Many of us voted at the plenary in Seattle, but with the Executive Vice President election being contested, voting goes to all membership to be completed by mail-in ballot. Only current, dues-paying NLG members are eligible to vote. If you haven't received your ballot in the mail yet, you should receive it from the NLG National Office by November 17. If you believe you are a current, dues-paying member and have not received a ballot by mistake, please contact the National Office at
It's hard to find an exact description of how this election-by-mail works, but here is the appropriate excerpt from the NLG By-laws:
Section 8.3 Mail or Electronic Ballot Voting Procedure
The following voting procedure * * *
(a) Mail or electronic ballots shall be mailed or electronically posted within 30 days of the last day of the National Convention to current dues paid members at their last address, electronic mail address (email) on record at the National Office (NO), or posted on a secure section of the NLG website created for voting purposes by the NO.
(b) Ballots cast must be returned to the NO by First Class U.S. Mail postmarked not later than the 21st day after the date the ballots were mailed to the membership or when
electronically posted to email or on the NLG website. The ballot shall prominently specify the date by which it must be postmarked returned or replied to the NO to be counted.(c) The NO shall be responsible for vetting ballots to ensure they were cast by current dues paid members only.
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