News, Events, Actions and Commentary on law and social justice. Welcome to the official blog of the United People of Color Caucus (TUPOCC) of the National Lawyers Guild.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

August 20: Appeals court hearing for the Cuban Five in Atlanta

August 20: Appeals court hearing for the Cuban Five in Atlanta
¡Se acerca la fecha de la vista oral en Atlanta, el 20 de agosto!

On Monday, August 20 the next round of appeals hearings for the Five will be held in Atlanta. There is very limited seating capacity in the courtroom, and we ask supporters to understand that the preference for attendance at the oral arguments will be for invited international and national jurists. On the day before the hearings, however (Sunday, August 19), the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five will be hosting a reception for all supporters of the Five. Watch for an announcement about the time and place.

Click here to read the appeals and other legal documents in the case
Clic aquí para leer los documentos legales
Dear Friends of the Cuban Five

Send a birthday greeting to:
René González and Fernando González!

Fernando, Rene B-days
Two of the Cuban Five have birthdays in August.
Be sure to send them a birthday greeting!

René González was born August 13, 1956.
His address is:
René González
F.C.I. Marianna
P.O. Box 7007
Marianna FL 32447-7007

Fernando González was born August 18, 1963.
He is registered in prison as Rubén Campa, so you
have to address the envelope as:
Rubén Campa, #58733-004
F.C.I. Oxford
P.O. Box 1000
Oxford, WI 53952-0505
Then inside the cards and letters, you can write to him as Fernando.

Free the Five website
Contact Us
phone: 415-821-6545

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National Committee To Free The Cuban Five | 2489 Mission St. #24 | San Francisco | CA | 94110

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