Army of None;
Strategies to Counter Military Recruitment,
End War, and Build a Better World
by Aimee Allison and David Solnit
Now Available on Seven Stories Press!
Get the book at the book release party on August 30! (more information below)
Get the book at the Seven Stories website or request it through your local independent bookseller!
About Army of None:
Uniformed US Army Officers lunch with students in elementary school cafeterias. Army training programs including rifle and pistol instruction replace physical education in middle schools. Like never before, military recruiters are entering the halls of US schools with unchecked access in an attempt to bolster a military in crisis.
However, even as these destructive efforts to militarize youth accelerate, so do the creative and powerful efforts of students, community members, and veterans to challenge them. Today, the counterrecruitment movement--from counseling to poetry slams to citywide lobbying efforts--has become one of the most practical ways to tangibly resist US policy that cuts funding for education and social programs while promoting war and occupation. Without enough soldiers, the US cannot sustain its empire.
Army of None exposes the real story behind the military recruitment complex, and offers guides, tools, and resources for education and action, and people power strategies to win.
Counterrecruitment is one of the most compelling and effective parts of the anti-war movement today. On July 9, ABC News reported that the Army has fallen short of its recruiting goals for May and June by almost 17%. (Read the full article here), a testament to both the movement's effectiveness and the unpopularity of this war.
Read excerpts from the book here !
What people are saying about Army of None:
Army Of None is a direct challenge to the militarization of American youth. It's not a treatise on non-violence or strategy. It's a toolkit, a practical how-to manual, for the emerging politics of non-cooperation and direct action. It is addressed to students, newcomers in the movement, practitioners of change, ordinary people who are prepared to end militarism through their own direct efforts... Army Of None is published at a pivotal moment in the peace movement. "
- Paul Rockwell in Counterpunch
"Army of None is a manual for opponents of the Iraq war who want to cut off its supply of cannonfodder. It presents how-to guides, hot tips, and successful examples of counterrecruitment strategies in schools and communities around the U.S.... Army of None provides a fascinating deconstruction of military recruiting mindgames."
Jeremy Brecher, author of Strike!, Globalization from Below, and,
co-editor of In the Name of Democracy: American War Crimes in Iraq and
About the Authors:
Army veteran Aimee Allison has led school and community counterrecruitment activities over the last decade. She's a contributor to 10 Excellent Reasons Not to Join the Military. Global Justice and antiwar organizer David Solnit is the editor of Globalize Liberation: How to Uproot the System and Build a Better World.
Save the date! August 30
ARMY OF NONE Book Release Party in Oakland!
Sponsored by Courage to Resist, Not Your Soldier. Women of Color Resource Center, The Oakland Institute and Veterans for Peace Chapter 69.
Join Army vet Aimee Allison and global justice organizer and puppeteer David Solnit in celebrating their book release and launching a 40-city tour to support local counter recruitment and antiwar efforts.
THURS AUG 30, 6:30pm
Club Oasis
135 12th St., @ Madison, Oakland
(6 blocks E. of Broadway/12th St. BART)
How Do We Stop the War?
World Premiere: Army of None Puppet Show!
Spoken Word!
Snacks by Chef Tom Cohen!
Buy a Book!
Raise money for your organization!
Bulk copies of Army of None are available at a discount by contacting Lars Reilly, or 212-226-8760. Orders of 10 or more get the book HALF OFF the cover price!
Army of None on Tour!
Aimee and David will be travelling to 40 communities from September through January - visit their Myspace page for frequent updates. Contact Jen Angel ( to schedule a presentation, workshop, or performance.
More info:
News, Events, Actions and Commentary on law and social justice. Welcome to the official blog of the United People of Color Caucus (TUPOCC) of the National Lawyers Guild.
News, Events, Actions and Commentary on law and social justice. Welcome to the official blog of the United People of Color Caucus (TUPOCC) of the National Lawyers Guild.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
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